
Keynote Speakers

Prof. Maria Jaschok

Prof. Maria Jaschok

Chair, Board of Trustees; Life Fellow
Global China Academy, London
University of Oxford China Centre
United Kingdom

Professor Maria Jaschok is a Senior Research Associate of the Contemporary China Studies Programme and a member of the steering committee of the Masters in Women’s/Gender/Sexuality Studies in Humanities. Her research interests are in the areas of gendered constructions of memory; feminist and aural ethnography; innovative research methodologies and uses of oral history in the writing of women’s history in Asian contexts. She has conducted collaborative research projects in central China since 1994, addressing issues and implications of growing female membership of religions for local citizenship and civil society.

Professor Jaschok has co-presented and co-authored with her Chinese collaborator, Shui Jingjun, in China and internationally, in Chinese and in English, seeking to make published findings fully accessible to their respective home audiences. Women, Religion, and Space in China, published by Routledge, forms the sequel to the study of female-led Islamic traditions in China, published in 2000/2002, entitled The History of Women’s Mosques in Chinese Islam (Curzon/Routledge, published in paperback in 2015).

Most recently,  Professor Jaschok has been collaborating with ethnomusicologists and anthropologists in a study of Islamic soundscapes in China and their function and place in recovery of ruptured collective memory (Leverhulme); the collaboration resulted in an edited volume Ethnographies of Islam in China (U. of Hawai’i Press, 2021). She is currently working on interpretations of Islamic chants as part of China’s women’s mosque long-standing oral tradition of teaching, worshipping, and celebration.

Professor Jaschok is a member of many international academic and professional organizations, serving on steering committees, editorial and advisory boards to contribute to the future of Chinese gender studies to academe at home and abroad. Among her roles: Member of Advisory Editorial Board for Gendering Asia series, NIAS, Copenhagen, Denmark. Member of International Advisory Board, Research Center of Translation Studies, China Women’s University, Beijing, China. Member of Editorial Board, Berliner China-Hefte, Chinese History and Society. Berlin: Lit Verlag, Germany. Life Fellow of the Global China Academy, London, UK. Founder member of the Women’s Initiative on International Affairs in Asia, Hong Kong. Co-founder: Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Network (WAGNet) and Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Review (WAGRev).

Prof. Dyan Mazurana

Prof. Dyan Mazurana

[Keynote Speaker]
Faculty Chair,
Tufts Scholars at Risk Tufts University,

Dyan Mazurana, PhD, is a Research Professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy where she co-directs the Gender Analysis and Women’s Leadership Program. She is also a Research Fellow at the World Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School. She is an Associate Research Professor at the Friedman School of Science Policy and Nutrition. Dyan Mazurana directs the Feinstein International Center’s Research Program on Women, Children, and Armed Conflict and co-directs the Masters of Arts in Humanitarian Assistance (MAHA) Program. Mazurana’s scholarship focuses on gendered dimensions of humanitarian response to conflict and crises, documenting serious crimes committed during conflict, and accountability, remedy, and reparation. She serves as an advisor to several governments, UN agencies, human rights NGOs, and child protection organizations regarding humanitarian assistance and improving efforts to assist youth and women affected by armed conflict. This work includes the protection of women and children during armed conflict, including those people associated with fighting forces, as well as remedy and reparation in the aftermath of violence. She has worked in Afghanistan, the Balkans, Nepal, and southern, west and east Africa. Mazurana has published more than 100 scholarly and policy books, articles, and international reports and her work has been translated into more than 30 languages. Mazurana has a Ph.D. and an M.A. in women’s studies from Clark University. She also holds an M.A. and B.F.A. from the University of Wyoming, where she studied painting, art history, and feminist theory.

Plenary Speakers

Devin Sarno

[Plenary Speaker]
US National Champion Competitive
Speech Coach
Advocate, USA

Devin Sarno is a US national champion competitive speech coach and advocate. She studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Los Angeles, The British-American Dramatic Academy at the University of Oxford, and The Groundlings, developing her love of live performance, improv, & sketch comedy. In her time as a public speaking coach she has seen first-hand the educational and social-emotional benefits of participation especially for girls and marginalized communities. Additionally, Devin coaches communication and presentation skills in STEM based corporate settings. Recently, she has focused her efforts inside the expert witness industry. Her work is aimed at increasing the credibility, authenticity, and authority of those presenting to US courts in hopes of supporting a more equitable judicial system.

Call for Speakers: Future of Women Conference 2025

We are thrilled to announce the “Call for Speakers” for the Future of Women 2025, centered around the theme “Re-grounding Feminisms: Theory and Praxis” We invite passionate and knowledgeable individuals from diverse backgrounds to share their expertise, insights, and experiences at this groundbreaking event.

Speaker Categories

Keynote Speakers (Only 2 slots available)

Influential individuals and academics with titles that resonate with the conference theme, “Re-grounding Feminisms: Theory and Praxis” are invited to deliver captivating keynote speeches at the Future of Women 2025. To be considered as a keynote speaker for the Future of Women 2025 Conference, we are looking for individuals who possess outstanding qualifications on the below:

  • Expertise and Knowledge in the field
  • Impactful Achievements
  • Dynamic Speaking Skills
  • Inspirational Leadership

Plenary Speakers

As a plenary speaker, you will have the opportunity to address a diverse audience of passionate attendees and share your expertise, insights, and experiences. We are specifically looking for speakers who can inspire and provide actionable strategies for transforming the women’s world.


  • Women and health, Maternity and Paternity leave, Constraints for single mothers
  • Diversity in political representation, Women in power, politics, and decision-making
  • Under-representation/misrepresentation of women in the media, movies, and literature
  • Child Marriage and the Discrimination of the girl child
  • Women and workplace, Gender Pay Gap, Glass ceiling and sticky floors
  • Gender-based Violence, Women in armed conflict and Crisis
  • Gender-based Cyber-Violence, and Misogynistic Online-Movements
  • Human rights of women, Gender Equality and empowerment
  • Masculinities, Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality
  • Institutional mechanism for the advancement of women, Education and training of women. Closing the Technology Gender Gap
  • Sustainable development, natural resource management and the conservation of the environment
  • Combating discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and Human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI)

Apply Now

We are currently accepting submissions. Be a part of this and contribute to shaping the future of women.

The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2024. All submissions will undergo a review process by the conference board, and selected speakers will be notified within 10 days. If you are selected for one of the categories, you will be informed about the further process and the applicable registration fees

Speakers will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis, so please apply soon. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a catalyst for change and inspire women worldwide. Together, let’s create a future where women thrive and their potential knows no bounds.

Registration Fee Table - Speakers & Storytellers
Time Slots
Keynote Speakers
USD 550
USD 300
40 minutes
Plenary Speakers
USD 520
USD 270
30 Minutes
USD 500
USD 250
20 Minutes


Conference Secretariat:
Ms. Chamathi Pehansa
Address: #531/18, Kotte road, Pitakotte, Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94 11 799 2022
Hotline: +94 72 486 6514
Email: secretariat@futurewomenconference.com

Speakers, Reviewers and Session Chairs

Contact Person:
Ms. Maheesha Dilshani
Hotline: +94 78 3 979 446
Email: maheesha.di@tiikmedu.com


Contact Person:Mr. Thusitha Bulathgama
Hotline: +94 71 569 2739
Email: thusitha.b@tiikmedu.com


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